I Will Always Remember Nashville Because Of This

It’s our first full day at the Grand Ole RV Park outside Nashville, TN. I want to get breakfast on-site before we head to the store. I didn’t know what to expect before walking in and that caused me to feel quite nervous - a normal feeling for me. When I walked in they had everything you could need in such a quaint and small building. A wall dedicated to essentials, refrigerated goods, and basic medical supplies. Then a space for RV needs and campsite setup items. Lastly a counter with the most friendly park staff.

There was eight or so tables set up which looked like where I would eat my meal. I noticed a couple eating their breakfast so I went to the check-in counter and asked. I ordered my food, scrambled eggs with cheese, sausage, taters, and wheat toast. I could tell this was going to be an authentic home-cooked meal by how familial, lighthearted and humorous the staff were acting. There were guys and gals, both young and old all working together in the kitchen. Such a warm feeling came over me and I was looking forward to this meal.

I was still pretty nervous, but I wanted to talk with the people around me and get to know them. I wonder if others feel like I do? Both interested in conversation and nervous to initiate it. I said hello to a man that walked by. He said hi and proceeded to go behind the counter. He was older, and everyone seemed to like him. I took a guess that he was the manager or owner. He got one egg scrambled and came over near my table. I heard the rest of the crew tease him about his newfound diet. He said he was trying to do better and laughed them off. He asked me, “can I sit with you?” I happily obliged. He said his name was Tommy Johnson and this was his RV park. He asked me what my story was and I shared it with him. After a few minutes, I was talking with Mr. Tommy, his daughter-in-law behind the cash register, two of his employees, and one of his sons. It is a family-owned and operated business, three generations old, and started with Mr. Tommy back in the early 2000s. He was a nice guy and reminded me of my wife’s Papa, affable, wise, clever, and in a stage of life I don’t yet recognize but look forward to earning.  

I was all geared up for conversation and confident enough to turn around and ask the people behind me what their story was. Oh yes, I was feeling myself by now! 

JC and Beth were their names and they were from San Diego. Early on in their life they lived in Tampa and Tallahassee, then moved to Louisiana, then finally settled in San Diego. They are about 5 miles outside the city and love to go to Tijuana. They said there are many 5-star restaurants there that people don’t know about. They suggested we visit while we’re in SoCal and shared the names of the restaurants with me.

They are currently on a month-long RV trip. They will be in Nashville for a few more days then they are making their way up to The Ozark’s to meet family. We traded stories about Florida and how everyone is leaving the west coast and the northeast. We had a lot in common. 

We talked about Beth’s memories of growing up in the 70’s in Louisiana and how she was a girl scout. She remembers walking in a parade and right behind her troop was the KKK. I could tell by the look on her face that this was still a hard memory for her to recall. She shared how she just couldn’t understand how people can prescribe to those views. She shared her experiences through segregation and how she is so glad she moved to California to raise her kids in a different environment. I thanked her for sharing such a personal story with me. 

About this time my wife walked in. What I haven’t mentioned yet is that I was supposed to be done with breakfast and be back at the RV by 8:30am. It’s now 9:15am. She said, “I knew I’d find you here making new friends.”….. “I should have known not to let you go alone.” She has the biggest grin on her face. She knows how much I like meeting people and hearing their stories. Her grin told me that she was happy for me and she knew I got what I needed out of my morning. It’s amazing to be married to someone who knows what you need, and even when you’re late because of it, just smiles and moves you on along. 

On the way out Mr. Tommy started introducing me to new arrivals. He said I was his new lead park greeter. So naturally, I started introducing myself as Grand Ole RV Park’s newest staff member and welcomed the two new arrivals to the park. It was great and instantly felt like family with Mr. Tommy and the whole crew at Grand Ole RV Park. Thanks for the laughs and memories!

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