I Quit An Amazing Job, Did I Mess Up?

I worked my entire career to get where I'm at, and I just walked away. After 15 years as a nonprofit executive, I decided it was time to quit. No job, no plan, just the most exciting and scary chance of a lifetime. 

I've thought about quitting in the past, but in the way everyone does. Just a fleeting thought. I worked with incredible people, at a wonderful organization, and we had just far exceeded our goals. I was good at my job and could see a bright and prosperous future there. However, something was nagging at me. Something whispering that there was something else I was supposed to be doing. Now comes a flood of practical and rational thoughts. "You make great money", "your career is on a fast track", "others would kill to be where you are", and so on. I did, I made good money by any standard, let alone for someone with no college degree. For some reason, I just knew it was time to walk away, even though everything was going good in my life.

After a long conversation with my wife, I quit my job. We bought an RV and Jeep Wrangler and are setting off to see the United States of America. This trip serves two purposes. One is self-exploration, expanding my boundaries and limiting beliefs. The other is to create memories with my incredible wife that will last a lifetime. 

I've lived with extreme anxiety for most of my existence, but it's important for me that I live a full and exhaustive life. So self-exploration and expanding my boundaries seem like a great way to continue eroding the layers of anxiety that have underpinned my experiences. Like many of you, I have a personal story. A story with triumphs, but also tragedies. Although I am not prepared to share my tragedies with you just yet, I promise to at a later date. I am hoping that those who have had similar experiences will in some way be liberated, and able to live more of their life as a result of my testimony. We all have things that hinder us, but when you speak with those who have walked the same path, it is at times easier to lay your burdens down.

It hasn't quite sunk in just how lucky I am to have this opportunity to travel the country with my wife. Katie and I have been married since November 2020 and have already done so much together. This trip will allow her to continue working remotely, while I figure out what's next for me. We are both looking forward to it, humbled by our good fortune, and sobered by the many realities of full-time RVing. 

Thank you so much for reading about our adventure and I promise this blog will deliver both fun and exciting experiences, as well as life's many challenges. This blog is for people who love adventure and living life to its fullest, but also for those afraid to take the leap in their own lives. Whatever that leap may be!


Hotep and Ashe,

The Brazen Traveler

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